15 Strict Pull-ups
3 rounds of:
10 Rings Dips
10 Kipping Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps (as high as possible)
2 rounds of:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 rounds of:
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
As a cool down:
60 seconds total of Tuck Planche holds on parallettes. Hold for as long as possible. Clock stops each time you have to rest or break horizontal form. With each rest, perform one Pike Press negative from handstand position against wall. Continue to alternate between exercises until 60 seconds is complete. The clock only runs for the tuck planche.
60 seconds total of Tuck Lever on rings. Hold for as long as possible. Clock stops each time you have to rest or break horizontal form. Rest/finish in Skin the Cat hangs.
Choose two gymnastics/acrobatic related skills that you would like to work on. Practice 5-10 reps of each.
Finish with 15-20 minutes of deep stretching.
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